OVERVIEW of LIMITED Liability Partnership
Just after the internet boom and Start-ups Jargon in India, a bunch of professionals who just want to become Business owner from salaried classes search the less complicated way of incorporation of their dream companies. As they are professionally talented in their domains but not have deep pockets and even want less intricacies with law so that they more focus on their dream not on compliance.
The LLP model of incorporation is must successful for professional as well as to small and medium businesses in general, as well as businesses in the service sector in particular.
In India, the LLP Company Registration concept was first introduced in the year 2008 and is governed by the Limited Liability Partnership Act of 2008 and Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2022.
Recently, the Limited Liability Partnership Firm registration online have become a popular choice among entrepreneurs because it provides advantages of both a partnership firm and a company into a single entity.